Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Back!

This is Isaak, finally back from summer to have a return to the blog! We're working on making a separate blog for me, so keep checking back for weekly updates!

The summer was quite fun. We went to Disneyland and saw our old cousins, Scout Day Camp, going to La Push beach (in honor of the Twilight Series obviously), Breaking Dawn release, and recently we went on the boating trip just yesterday! There was a bit of a Titanic moment when Audra was driving. But most important, school started, and I was a bit nervous, but I'm now having a good time!

Because of my talents, luck, and charisma, I won the hearts of older middle-schoolers, and even high-schoolers. I was placed in a 7-8th grade PE class by a dilemma in the schedule as I would call it. Not to mention from those older boys saw my charisma in humor. When a Chinese boy was called, I tried to be funny and said, "The Chinese are invading our country! First Chinatowns, and now foreign immigrants!" I was pleased to hear them laugh! By the way, about those high-schoolers in my precalculus class? Well, because of underage talents, they thought I was pretty cool. We didn't really work on real stuff yet, but we probably will starting tomorrow!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I was in a still new documentary! If you hadn't known this, I had the last part of the documentary (besides the credits) to myself! It featured me playing a solid piano piece, working out quadratic equations, and reading my essay to try out to do the first pitch in a Mariners Autism Awareness game! There are also some other "me" moments and my mom and my tutor, named Matt, who was one of the "real" stars in the documentary. In a beginning part of the documentary, I was talking about my math talent with the cameraman, named Jeff. Jeff said, "They're going to run out of math for you by the time you're in high school." I answered in a joke saying, "Sure! College math person, coming through!" When I was in the debut of this documentary, I heard some laughs!

Well, I'll see myself out! Be sure to check in next week for more school stuff and maybe even a Game Club moment this Friday!


Audra Jensen said...

Isaak, hon, we're going to have to have a "chat" about appropriate joke-making, aren't we? Lv you --Mom

Penny said...

I saw you part in the documentary and was intrigued. You did an excellent job.

Two thumbs up!


Sarah said...

Hi Isaak!

I love it when you blog. Keep it up!

Aunt Sarah

Regina Todd said...

Isaak--You probably don't remember me, but I remember you when you were very small... now you are so grown up! You are amazing. It was fun to read your blog and see how well you are doing. I love your charisma!

--Regina Todd (Tanner and Matthew Todd's Mom)

Grandpa Gerald Malmrose said...

Isaak, it was great to read about your experiences in school. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.