Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking Dawn or Breaking Down?

K, fellow Twilighters. Spoilers included here, so don't read if you don't want to be enlightened. If you have read and are ready to discuss, here are my thoughts and questions. Friends with whom I've already chatted with, please help me remember ones I forget here...

  • To me, there are now two Bellas, and two sets of books, really. There's the set of the first 3 books. They all "feel" the same. Same Bella, same Edward, same mysticism. Breaking Dawn was like this whole other entity. The first half was just bizarre. It was like X-Files. Maybe she'd been writing The Host too much because it felt a lot like that. I didn't really like it. The second half of the book I enjoyed, especially the last few chapters. Still, it was like a different series, although the second half was more like the first three books, but the characters were different characters. Which brings me to...
  • There were two sets of characters. First three books' characters and Breaking Dawn characters. Once Bella became a vampire, I did like the new Bella. I liked the old Bella and the new Bella, but they were not the same Bella. She was now strong and confident and determined and independent. Not the old Bella. Same with Edward although now he seemed less-confident and strong and pliable. I didn't like the new Edward as much as the old Edward. Even Charlie was different. Like he would have just accepted the weirdness of it all with a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude. That didn't fit with his 3-book character at all. He just accepted it? And where the heck was Renee? Which brings me to...
  • Where were all the other characters from the 3-books? Hardly anything happened in Forks. I understand why and all, but just no explanation or interaction with or without Bella. Weird. They're all just... gone.
  • Sorry, but the whole Nessie thing could have been done differently. She was like this monster alien child the way she was born, and then the stupid name (why didn't they use Carlie, her middle name; that's cute and not impossible to say?), the fast growing rate, the "elongated limbs" like a little adult. And imprinting on Jacob. Little creepy, have to say. I didn't find it as creepy as some of my friends, but still. Weird.
  • I felt there were a bunch of things I expected to happen or be addressed that just never were. Like Bella's premonition dreams. Her ability to smell blood unlike other people could. There were other things. What were they?
  • Alice's background was only briefly touched upon in the 3-books. I felt like that was really left hanging. I thought there would be more to clear that up. Nope.
  • I LOVED the final climax scene and all the religious tones in it. I couldn't put the book down once I got there. However, I was sort of let down that the fight didn't happen. Felt like it needed it. Felt like, if you're not going to have them fight and just have them all walk away, then you need to keep writing the series 'cuz there's a whole lot that's still going to happen. Didn't feel like a series-ender even if the author said it is. Maybe she'll try to redeem herself by writing another with Jacob and Nessie older.
  • Didn't like the wrap-up. No information about Renee and how that's going to work out, hardly any Charlie, hardly any about anyone. In fact, it must have been lame enough because I can't even remember what happened in the wrap-up. Big let-down.

I'll keep adding to this list as I remember them.

So, overall I hated the first half, liked the second half (even with flaws), loved the climax, but didn't like the wrap-up.

For me, the order of my favorites are:

  1. Twilight
  2. Eclipse
  3. New Moon
  4. Breaking Dawn



Dionne said...

Hi there Audra,

I actually liked Breaking Dawn, but was surprised by the direction that it took. I was really expecting for them to go on some adventure to find Edward's soul and to make him human.

The other thing that took me a bit by surprise is that it definitely not PG-13. I didn't really hesitate to listen to the first 3 books in the car w/the kids, but this one, I would. Granted it is NOT a bodice ripper by any stretch, but...

All along I have been a big fan of Jacob. So I'm glad that Jacob found his girl, but does anyone else smell a new series. Jacob, Nessie and the other half-vampire boy??? Maybe instead of endings, it is just a new beginning.

Audra Jensen said...

Hmmm, find his soul. That's an interesting thought. I did think Meyer would figure out a way for him to become human. I was sorta sad that didn't happen, although I did like seeing the new vampire life through Bella's eyes. That was kinda cool.

Yeah, I thought maybe a spin-off series is possible, too. Will she risk another semi-flop or redeem herself?

Kori G. said...

Funny...I have a similar reaction to the book. I am not done with it yet. (McKenna had her tonsils out, and I've had my hands full!) But I am far enough in to read your thoughts and have similar opinions. I did not like the first half at. all. Too horror-flickish for my taste, and I will not be reading The Host. So far, I really like the new and improved Bella. Vampire-ness becomes her and I love the descriptions of her new sensory awareness. I liked her character in Twilight, and not so much in the following 2 books. I just thought she was wishy-washy, and let Edward control her too much. I also though she acted like a spoiled, ungrateful brat a lot...but I guess in keeping with the theme of teenage girls maybe that was dead on.

Edward was a disappoinment to me after Twilight. He seemd very controlling of Bella's every move and it made me think I wouldn't want my daughter to be dating someone so smothering. Now, in Breaking Dawn, he is horribly unappealing. No depth to his character after Twilight. A lot could have been done to make him more finding his soul as was suggested. For some reason, Bella and Edward didn't seem a good match after his long absence in New Moon and her relationship with Jacob developed. I never really got over that. :-)

The whole Renesmee thing...I think I need to read a little further to form an opinion. I don't really have a good picture of that part of the story.

I am TOTALLY disappointed with the Jacob-imprinting idea. It felt like an easy out for Jacobs part of the story. The whole concept of imprinting from the beginning was weak, but how else does a werewolf fall in love I suppose? (Rhetorically speaking of course.)

In a small town such as Forks word would have gotten around FAST that Bella had some exotic disease and friends would have tried to be in contact. But I get it...the book is long enough already. Longer than it needs to be in my opinion. I am looking forward to the climax and wrap up...

I was also a fan of Jacob and had hoped that Bella would end up with him. It just felt like a much healthier relationship, and again, I thought about my daughter and the kind of guy I hope she would date, sans the werewolf feature.

I ranked my preference the same. Breaking Dawn was my least far. I am 3/4 of the way through.

AMB said...

Just finished it tonight...I loved some things, and didn't love some other things.

First, the book started off with a horrible wedding. For three books, us Edward fans have been waiting for reassurance that Bella and Edward would end up together. To start the book of with a tense and awkward wedding wasn't very fun. Also, Bella's weird adversion to weddings was kinda odd to me at the beginning.

the first part of the book dragged for me. I thought everything up to Bella's giving birth could have been said in half the words.

One thing I really liked is how Meyer was able to describe the depth of Bella's love for her child. That was very real to me. In fact, it made me want to sneak in and peak at my own sleeping child.

I actually liked the idea of Jacob imprinting on Nessie. It seemed to be the only solution to the little love triangle. The baby imprinting thing is creepy, but I think Meyer was trying to prepare us for it when the other warewolf dude imprinted on a baby.

I did not buy into how everything was resolved with Charlie. The whole infectious disease and need to know basis just wouldn't fly with a dad- especially a cop.

There were many parts of the book that dragged on to me or just seemed plain unnecessary. The drama with Leah Clearwater was uninteresting to me. In fact, the exchanges between her and Jacob annoyed me.

I did like the fact that Bella became a vampire. Sh was never a typical teenager, so it just seemed like the right thing to me. It was fun to read about her experience with the transformation.

I was also expecting a fight at the end, that was a little anti-climatic to me. When the Volturi is still around, it makes me feel a little less closure. Maybe there will be another book after all- alot could still happen. Although this book wasn't my favorite, I would still love to read more!

Peter Gale said...

As a longtime friend of Audra's, although pretty much just a college friend, I have never posted. So, forgive my intrusion.

As an English teacher and a wannabe author myself, I found it well done for what it intended. The point of all the books has essentially been a portrayal of love.

Yes, far too often Bella has been ridiculous in her desire to sacrifice herself for everyone (when many times it wasn't necessary) but that is the core of this novel and therefore the lengthy stuff about pregnancy and childbirth are necessary because she is the Christ figure in the novel.

Jacob's imprinting is also acceptable because it is realistically the only way the "unconditional love" theme could be reinforced and the main conflict could be focused on.

The fact that Bella had to lie to Edward and Alice had to lie to everyone also work well as structural plot points.

Although I am a little creeped out by the very notion of "it's cool to be a vampire," Meyer handles it well. She aptly portrays a redemptive use of power (through the Cullens) with the obvious abusers and corruption of power.

Alas, I wax long. As a I guy, I wasn't disappointed in anything given what the novel is. There is not much point in pushing the story further as once both protagonists have immortal perfection there isn't much conflict left. Personally, I was glad that she spent far more time in the becoming a vampire process and in the newborn self-control thing. No fight at the end was necessary, the rhetoric did the job just fine.

As to "the Host." It is my personal favorite, but it is not about undying love, it is more about the nature of identity and choosing to be better than those around you. Although alien possession is out there, in a way it was far more interesting to me because Wanda is so busy arguing with herself. I dearly hope that she develops the series further, although I know that the book could stand alone just fine without a followup.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I loved the series. Twilight and Eclipse being my personnal favorite. I did like Breaking Dawn, but it had a totally different feel to it. I did like (Breaking Dawn) the way it started out fast and captured the reader's interest. It is deffinately the more adult of the 4 novels.

Bella was my favorite and least favorite at the same time. I loved her character, but she was such a whiner and martyr. I didn't like the way she played with Jacob's emotions, and it a weird way I thought it was payback that he imprinted on her daughter(but still creepy).

I thought Edward grew weaker in character as the books progressed and Bella had the control. I found that a little annoying. It's sweet he loved her so much, but spineless me are not appealing to me.haha

Anyhoo, I'm hoping she does a spin-off series. I am so bummed the series is over. I am now in search of a new series to read.

michael carr. uk. said...

Preface- renesme is surrounded by 4 fully surrounded were-wolves.

1-moving on)
4 years on and renesme has decided to leave her home away from edward n bella. She is moving out and Jacob is there to give her a helping hand, her growth has dramatically slowed down and she decides to go to high school senior year with jacob. So renesme and jacob are living together in Long beach.

2-the hunt)
jacob decides to ask nessie is she wants to hunt with him, renesme is suspisous when jacob chooses not to 'shift', and then surprises her with a picnic. As they are about to kiss- their first kiss- sam uley warns jacob that he needs to see charli. Charlie, now much older and has aged (unlike the rest) tells the quilletes, renesme and the vampires that there is a massive police hunt for wolves after one killed several people not far from seatle. (Tracks have been found)

3- grandfather)
renesme takes this oppertunity to be with charlie. Charlie tells her that she doesn't have to live with jacob and that she can live with him. She refuses and wants to live with Jacob. Charlie hands her a birthday gift which is a solid gold necklace with a diamond in, he says "to reflect her beauty and purity"

4- can a wolf commit murder?)
Renesme comes downstairs to find Sam arguing with Jacob, Jacob thinks there's a newborn wolf in one of the quillete packs and they are bad. They want to kill. Sam argues that it might just be another animal. Charli warns the wolves that its best not to 'shift' as it could be too dangerous for them. Sam's pack refuses this.

5- seeing him for the first time)
jacob takes renesme out for dinner. "I've never thought about jacob like that, he's always been there for me. Never ageing, always caring. He's been like a brother to me. And for the first time the way I look at him is different, I think I love him." After the dinner renesme touches his head, sending the thought of them two kissing into his mind. Jacob kisses back.

6- the first of many nights)
renesme and jacob go back to their house, they go to their seperate rooms. Renesme has a dream of her and jacob, sitting in the meadow of her first date (before sam ruined it). As she wakes up, she hears jacob's snores. She goes into his room, he sits up and offer's he's bed to her. Here they rest and fall asleep until twilight of the next day.

7- jacob's worry)
as renesme wakes up she sees jacob looking upset. Jacob tells her how as she was sleeping her dreams went to him. She was thinking of the Volturi. How she was scared of them, and is still scared of them. Jacob tells her she has nothing to worry about, he'll protect her.

8- memories)
"I still remember that night in the baseball clearing like it was yesterday, although I was only 4months old at the time, everything still seems so sureal to me. The murder that cauis did, the upset sisters, aro." At this point nessie seems to know what the murders are, as she goes to edward she tries to convince him about the convosation him and aro had. About the 'real were-wolves'. Edward decides to read up on it, him and carlise find out about the birthplace of the real were-wolves. South america. They pack for a trip.

michael carr. uk said...

8- memories)
"I still remember that night in the baseball clearing like it was yesterday, although I was only 4months old at the time, everything still seems so sureal to me. The murder that cauis did, the upset sisters, aro." At this point nessie seems to know what the murders are, as she goes to edward she tries to convince him about the convosation him and aro had. About the 'real were-wolves'. Edward decides to read up on it, him and carlise find out about the birthplace of the real were-wolves. South america. They pack for a trip.

9- old familiar faces)
Renesme asks carlise if she can join them. Bella, edward, carlise and renesme leaves the next day in an attempt to find more details about the wolves. Carlise suggests that going to aro and asking might be the easier option. Bella and edward are against the idea. Apon arival, they meet Nachadi and his aunt there. As they will be living with them. As the adults discuss the were-wolf problem, renesme and Nachadi go to his bedroom. Where he explains to her that he has met a were-wolf before. And shows her the bites and scratches on his body.

10- the pain of being an outcast)
As they talk about themselves Nachadi shows nessie a tour of the house, one of the largest in all of south africa. Introducing his sisters to her. As nessie gets thirsty they decide to go on a hunt. Killing various exotic creatures. As the blood comes down renesme's lips, Nachadi kisses her, taking all the blood off. Nachadi sees the image of jacob and pulls away.

11- what just happened?)
As renesme runs back to the house, Nachadi catches up to her, explaining how he fills lonely without her in his life. And how he needs her. Nessie reluctantly runs back to the house. edward attacts Nachadi after reading nessie's thoughts (which he can now hear from miles around). Renesme wonders what it'll be like if he knew about her and jacob, just then edward looks at her with disgust. Now knowing what she wants to do with jacob.

12- too soon a future)
renesme leaves edward, and goes upstairs to Nachadi's sister. She explains to her what its like being a half vampire, and what its like not being able to ages. She explains to Nessie why things are so lonely for Nachardi.

13- a murderous explanation)
Nachadi's aunt explains to edward, bella and carlise how its not a were-wolf's fault, they don't mean to, its uncontrollable for them. She explains how one of the local women turned into one. And as the local vampire she had to kill her, but at great cost. She was hated by all of the villages, not knowing what the local woman had become. Carlise asks about aro. And the childrens dad. She explains that the volutini have taken him as a warrior, he has a great gift.

14- frozen in time)
When going back to folks its important that they don't get noticed by anyone, as nessie is the only one whose aged, their identity must be kept secret, so no-one must know who they are. Even jacob has to pretend he's someone else to remain living in forks. He is known as billy's nephew. Whilst in bed nessie dreams once more about the Volturi, and the dangerous were-wolves.

15- the dangers of being mythical)
The next day Jacob and nessie to go to folks high school, after school they decide to travel to the woods, after traveling a bit they don't realise the area they are in, the moon shines brightly on the meadow, just then a low deep growl is heard, and out apears a werewolf, skinnier than any member of the pack, and sharper teeth. As jacob shifts to try and communicate with the beast, it attacks him, ripping his fur and bloodying his body. As renesme jumps on the beast pulling him away from jacob, the beast stares at renesme, looking into her eye and runs away.

Anonymous said...

16- survival)
Edward appears in the meadow, apparently hearing nessie's thoughts a short while ago about the wolf. She tells edward what happened and they travel to the cullen's house. Carrying jacob on his back. Carlise tells them how wolves attack each other how its a means of survival, and that's why they don't travel in packs. He also explains to renesme how wolves are naturally scared of vampires, except for a few who try to kill them. Carlise suggests that no wolves shift unless necesary.

17- love IS ageless)
A few weeks later, after jacob heals completely. nessie realises that she is no longer ageing and Jacob starts too due to him not 'shifting' so no-one will attack him. At the cullen's house, carlise is busy researching 'real' were-wolves history, and comes across a legendary werewolf 'killer' named Ephraim Black. Billy black and the other elders explain to carlise a legendary story which says how a leader of another tribe came to kill Ephraim Black, and through anger accidentally bit him. (A human) and how he turned into a legend of werewolves. The 'killer' must of refered to Ephraim having to then travel the world killing what he created andd all which it has created.

Bella, carlise, alice and edward decide to travel to england to learn more about the wolves, taking Nachadi with them, as he is the only person with experience in fighting them. And leaves jacob behind as its to dangerous for him to come with. Jacob (now noticably older) stays with renesme, they have a romantic time and as they go to sleep renesme sends more pictures of them two on their bed to jacob. Jacob doesn't want to, claiming his 'too much in love with her' to ruin it like that. They spend the night in each others arms.

19- a powerful gift)
The next day at forks high school, whilst renesme has science and Jacob has english, renesme thinks of jacob, her thoughts solely on him. And jacob comes in from his class to hers, asking to speak to her. He tells her how she placed the images in his head, even though she wasn't touching him. Just then alice burst through her class room door, ordering her and jacob to go back to their house.

20- good gift gone wrong)
Alice explains to jacob and Nessie that she's also been seeing images, not of the future but images placed in her head. The phone goes and edwards calling, the same thing is happening to them. Just then alice sees the future: an attack by the Volturi. And their guards. As the other cullens fly back, its apparent that renesme has caused people all over the world to see her thoughts, her mystical thoughts of vampires and were-wolves. Breaking the one rule the Volturi have to fight against. Alice explainst that their only sending a few guards, including aro, cauis and marcus. An easy enough fight. The cullens wonder why such a little fight.

21- the intimite fight)
Arguments occur at the cullens house. Carlise belives they are not here to fight, otherwise they would bring a big army, edward belives they are only here to kill renesme, emmette just wants a fight. Jacob doesn't want to fight, but neither does sam. However if fighting does occur then they will protect the people and the cullens, sams (now wife) was with us, just staring, looking at all the cullens and quilletes, then at renesme, probably wondering where she fitted into this, outcast just like herself. Sam looks at her worried, they must've been having conversations about the fights.

michael carr. uk. said...

21- the half breed and his father)
Alice explains more about her visions, there will be 6 guards accompanying the three hireachy of people and their wives. Felix, domitry, (aro's personal guard) alex and (burning pain girl) and a new guard no-one knows. Alice draws a picture of him, Nachadi explains that he is his father, the breed creator. And they must be using him for his power. (Which is to control animals) the familys wonder why this is.

22- jacob's past)
jacob is at his old garage, he is teaching reneseme some mechanics about cars and stuff (even though they are faster by themselves. Just then a scream is heard from billy. Jacob runs into his old house to find billy there with a man whose holding a knife. The man tells billy and jacob to get off of HIS land. The guy tells them how he is Ephraim Black. And he is the leader of this town.

23- old explenations)
Ephraim Black explains to them how he has come back because there are several were-wolf disturbances in the area. He kills them as he created them. Jacob tells him that he IS a wolf, and shifts. But Ephraim Black explains how he only hunts creatures of the moon. Several of them have been seen around here. He also explains where he has been the past hundred years.

24- untimely end)
Just then a low howl echoes throughout the population, jacob, nessie, and equil all run to see what it is. They meet up with the cullens and wolfs. And in the clearing the Volturi stare at them. They are surrounded by almost 15 wolves, all controled by nachadi's dad.

Please tell me your views on this story. Please note this is just summaries of the chapters. X

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