Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 30, 2008

Got a major headache right now. Bad enough that I can't really work on anything for lack of concentration. Need to go veg in front of the TV. :)

Kids are ready to go to school. Or, I'm ready for them to go. It's been a very relaxing summer (for them) as we haven't placed a lot of demands on them, mainly due to our own crazy schedules. I'll be glad to get some structure back in their lives.

Isaak has made a group of buddies that come over almost daily to play. They're all a bit nerdy, themselves. It can get quite loud and obnoxious around here when they're here, but despite being complete dweebs, we're glad he's made some friends on his own. I suppose it's progress.

Lil' Audra is excited to go back to school ONLY because she wants to be with her school friends again. Isaak is nervous about middle school, but we've prepared him as best we can. He will meet his high school math teacher on Tuesday. I'm nervous about that class as, and I have NO idea who came up with this idea!, the high school has NO WALLS. That's right, classes are all in large wings with around 4 classes sharing a space, separated by portable dividers or file cabinets. They call it an "open learning environment." Huh? How is THAT suppose to contribue to the better learning of the students, ANY students, let alone students like Isaak. So, we'll see how that goes. There are no other options other than going back into individual lessons on a computer like he's done for the past year and a half. I'd really like to see him back in a classroom learning situation, so I hope this works out.

Anyway, that's about it. We have a new niece in the family who we are anxious to get up to Seattle to see soon. And my parents are due back on the continent (after a year and a half mission to the Caribbean; hard life, eh?) in the beginning of October. That will be fun!

Here's Isaak's baseball picture...

Friday, August 22, 2008

More good stuff!

On the Spectrum, a documentary just released, has me and Isaak participating in parts. It's an awesome little snippet about successes with high-functioning autism and Asperger's. Very neat. Here is a clip of Isaak's part.

You can get the movie from :) It's very well done.

Old voices

Blasts from the past...

Came across these old tape recordings of the kids. Awww. Of course, the quality's horrible, but it's something!

Here is Audra (Maggie then) at age 4. At the end, you can hear Isaak running away screaming saying, "I don't want to do it!"

This clip is a little longer. When Isaak was 4 (almost 5, I think), his speech therapist (and I) took him to a local radio station to work on asking social questions. He is in his "Millionaire" phase, so he's totally perseverating on it, but it's cute. The clip is about 4 minutes long.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking Dawn or Breaking Down?

K, fellow Twilighters. Spoilers included here, so don't read if you don't want to be enlightened. If you have read and are ready to discuss, here are my thoughts and questions. Friends with whom I've already chatted with, please help me remember ones I forget here...

  • To me, there are now two Bellas, and two sets of books, really. There's the set of the first 3 books. They all "feel" the same. Same Bella, same Edward, same mysticism. Breaking Dawn was like this whole other entity. The first half was just bizarre. It was like X-Files. Maybe she'd been writing The Host too much because it felt a lot like that. I didn't really like it. The second half of the book I enjoyed, especially the last few chapters. Still, it was like a different series, although the second half was more like the first three books, but the characters were different characters. Which brings me to...
  • There were two sets of characters. First three books' characters and Breaking Dawn characters. Once Bella became a vampire, I did like the new Bella. I liked the old Bella and the new Bella, but they were not the same Bella. She was now strong and confident and determined and independent. Not the old Bella. Same with Edward although now he seemed less-confident and strong and pliable. I didn't like the new Edward as much as the old Edward. Even Charlie was different. Like he would have just accepted the weirdness of it all with a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude. That didn't fit with his 3-book character at all. He just accepted it? And where the heck was Renee? Which brings me to...
  • Where were all the other characters from the 3-books? Hardly anything happened in Forks. I understand why and all, but just no explanation or interaction with or without Bella. Weird. They're all just... gone.
  • Sorry, but the whole Nessie thing could have been done differently. She was like this monster alien child the way she was born, and then the stupid name (why didn't they use Carlie, her middle name; that's cute and not impossible to say?), the fast growing rate, the "elongated limbs" like a little adult. And imprinting on Jacob. Little creepy, have to say. I didn't find it as creepy as some of my friends, but still. Weird.
  • I felt there were a bunch of things I expected to happen or be addressed that just never were. Like Bella's premonition dreams. Her ability to smell blood unlike other people could. There were other things. What were they?
  • Alice's background was only briefly touched upon in the 3-books. I felt like that was really left hanging. I thought there would be more to clear that up. Nope.
  • I LOVED the final climax scene and all the religious tones in it. I couldn't put the book down once I got there. However, I was sort of let down that the fight didn't happen. Felt like it needed it. Felt like, if you're not going to have them fight and just have them all walk away, then you need to keep writing the series 'cuz there's a whole lot that's still going to happen. Didn't feel like a series-ender even if the author said it is. Maybe she'll try to redeem herself by writing another with Jacob and Nessie older.
  • Didn't like the wrap-up. No information about Renee and how that's going to work out, hardly any Charlie, hardly any about anyone. In fact, it must have been lame enough because I can't even remember what happened in the wrap-up. Big let-down.

I'll keep adding to this list as I remember them.

So, overall I hated the first half, liked the second half (even with flaws), loved the climax, but didn't like the wrap-up.

For me, the order of my favorites are:

  1. Twilight
  2. Eclipse
  3. New Moon
  4. Breaking Dawn
