Sunday, June 7, 2009

Total Dorkness

Yes, I'm a complete dork. I'm completely obsessed with everything Twilight. I check the offical New Moon movie website ( at least several times a day. I'm making big plans for when it comes out with a ton of friends. I've read/listened to all the books at least a dozen times now. It's crazy. I suppose I need one stupid outlet in my life.

With that said, Dave got me the most spectacular shirt that I love. It says "...and then Buffy staked Edward. The End."

Gotta love good humor, even at my expense (or Edward's, to be precise).


Penny said...

Hey, you love Twilight everything, and I am a crazy sock knitter. Obsessions can be healthy and we deserve them. xoxox

Sarah said...

Matt says he wants that in bumper sticker form. Funny as heck.

Shelley said...

Love Twilight!I'm excited for the movie too. And thank you for updating your blog,finally :). I'm not sure if I've given you my blog address.Let me know on facebook and I will add you.

Shelley said...
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