Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

Shall I try to blog again? Who knows if it'll stick. Let's see what I have to share...

I am keeping a professional blog, too. Right now I'm adding more to that one.

There are some old videos of Isaak on there. Kinda fun to watch. I'm working on getting some old videos from Penny transferred from video to the computer. Having issues with the software, but once that's figured out, those will be fun to share, too.

Family updates. Dave works. He cooks. He sleeps. He cleans. He plays Halo with the family.

I work. I don't cook. I don't sleep well. I travel. I kiss and cuddle and smother kids. I also play Halo with the family.

Isaak thinks. He laughs. He eats bananas. He takes AP Calculus and pre-AP Chemistry next year at the high school. He has a best friend. He beats the family playing Halo (3 against 1).

Maggie sleeps in. She draws. She paints. She gets paint all over her room and carpet. She leaves her clothes everywhere. She learns piano quite easily. She plays Halo with the family.

More to come soon.


Penny said...

That was fun to read, and so much I wasn't aware of, like Maggie learning the piano easily. Good for her; Isaak taking chemistry in HS next year -- yowzie; Mikie cooking... Haaaaaaaaaa; you smothering the kids. Did you know it is against the law? You will lose your Halo if you keep it up! xoxoxo

Penny said...

Happy to see you back on Serenity Now. I need to check out the professional blog again, but it's undoubtedly over my head.

Kerry said...

I am so glad you were at the primary meeting, you have so much to share with the rest of us!

welcome back to blog land